

Candidate for Ward 5 • DC Council

Let's do this together!

Meet Faith!


Dear Neighbors,

Our diverse neighborhoods and unique perspectives are the strength and power of OUR Ward 5. Now is the time to make real investments in our community and to build a Ward where everyone can thrive. We must see tangible evidence of city policy within our daily lives. Government should — and can — work for our Ward 5. I have the experience to harness the city’s resources and create policy that will strengthen not just our Ward, but our city, for every resident.

I have a long track record of public service, both inside and outside of city government. In partnership with so many of you, we have created new systems, shaped policy, changed mindsets, and shifted actions in the most powerful and impactful ways. In community, I’ve been able to engage in work that has delivered real results for families and residents across the city.

Real leadership requires thoughtfulness, presence, active listening, and the deepening of relationships to create and foster the kind of investments, sustainable growth, safety, and overall quality of life that we need and deserve in Ward 5.

With community at the core, anything is possible. Let’s continue to fight together for our Ward!

Together we can make a difference.
Will you donate today?


Election Day:
Paid for by Friends of
Faith for Ward 5 2022

Brian McNamee, Treasurer
© Friends of Faith for Ward 5 2022
A copy of our report is filed with the Director of Campaign Finance of the District of Columbia Board of Elections.

2490 Market Street NE, #307 Washington, DC 20018
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